Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Physical Primecoins now for sale

It is now possible to buy a physical represenation of a Primecoin, in the form of a silver coin. They look really cool and impressive, and we look forward to seeing these in stores some day.

 » Read the full topic at Bitcointalk

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Primecoin Breaks World Records (XPM)

Primecoin has Broken Three Major World Records in less than one month of Primecoin’s release. Primecoin is a cryptocurrency network released on July 7th, the first of its kind generating scientific computing values. “In March 2013, I realized that searching for prime chains could potentially be such an alternative proof-of-work system. With some effort a pure prime number based proof-of-work has been designed, providing both minting and security for cryptocurrency networks similar to hashcash type of proof-of-work. The project is named primecoin.” as quoted by Sunny King, the developer of Primecoin (XPM).

» Read the full article at CryptoCoinsNews

Friday, August 2, 2013

Primecoin client v0.1.2 released

A new version of the Primecoin client has been released. This release is not mandatory, and it can be downloaded through the Primecoin Github page.

» Read the full article at PPCointalk

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Primecoin Trading

Primecoin can already be exchanged for BTC at 5 websites.
This is already a list of exchanges where you can trade Primecoins: