Sunday, July 28, 2013

Primecoin sources of information

Primecoin is sometimes called a scientific computing cryptocurrency, because its mining is actually finding useful for science, because Cunningham sequences of prime numbers are computed.
Below you can find a list of interesting links with more information on Primecoin.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Primecoin Mining

Mining Primecoins can be done using a CPU.The links below provide more information.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Primecoin (XPM): On the search for the unthinkable

Primecoin is going for a whole new approach: ’A new type of proof-of-work based on searching for prime numbers is introduced in peer-to-peer cryptocurrency designs. Three types of prime chains known as Cunningham chain of first kind, Cunningham chain of second kind and bi-twin chain are qualified as proof-of-work. Prime chain is linked to block hash to preserve the security property of Nakamoto’s Bitcoin, while a continuous difficulty evaluation scheme is designed to allow prime chain to act as adjustable-difficulty proof-of-work in a Bitcoin like cryptocurrency’, says Sunny King in the introduction paper of the new digital currency. Primecoin is on the search for the unthinkable, long chains of prime numbers.

» Read the full article at Litecoinblog

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Discount code and Primecoin mining enthusiasm cause cloud server overload

Miners of Primecoin, a new digital currency, caused DigitalOcean, a cloud server provider, to restrict sign ups in some regions of the world. Primecoin was recently announced, with the aim of creating a currency that had a useful proof of work system: the search for prime numbers.

» Read the full article at Coindesk

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Week-Old Cryptocurrency Wants to Capture the Wasted Energy of Bitcoin's Algorithm

Some of us are taken with bitcoin. We have learned its basics, and are more or less versed with its socioeconomic implications. We get it. But when an acquaintance of mine told me recently that he's trading in more than 30 bitcoin alternatives, or altcoins, my mind was blown. Acting as a sort of crypto-FOREX trader, he's the first to answer one of my go-to questions on bitcoin: What would you do to make it better? He rattled off some of the altcoins, and eventually focused his argument around a week-old cryptocurrency. It's called Primecoin, and it aims to harness what he considers to be the spent energy of bitcoin's algorithm.

» Read the full article at Motherboard

Friday, July 12, 2013

Primecoin: the cryptocurrency that can make mining useful

One of the problems that Bitcoin miners often point out is that solving the complex and random algorithms that generate digital coins is a difficult process that spends a lot of energy and doesn’t have any other practical benefit. Well, someone has created an alternative that might solve this problem: it’s the new form of digital currency called Primecoin.

» Read the full article at Bitcoin Examiner

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Primecoin Has Exchange, Casino, Already Breaking World Records

Primecoin has come far in the last few days. Less than a day after founder Sunny King released the genesis block and I first covered the currency, Primecoin has become one of the few alternative cryptocurrencies to be featured on Business Insider, its thread on Bitcointalk has reached 77 pages and has attracted the interest of thousands of people around the world. Now, after two days in the wild, Primecoin is already bringing us real-world value.

» Read the full article at Bitcoin Magazine

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

New currency Primecoin searches for prime numbers as proof of work

A new digital currency has been announced, which uses prime numbers as its proof of work. Primecoin is still in beta, but its goal is to provide a proof of concept that a digital currency can produce something useful besides its subjective market value.

» Read the full article at Coindesk

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A New Digital Currency Concept Solves One Of Bitcoin's Most Obvious Flaws


Bitcoin has lots of problems. But some say one in particular has received scant attention: "mining" the currency requires solving random equations that are ultimately pointless. This uses up a lot of computing power and energy, and it's all a total waste. Primecoin seeks to address this problem. The digital currency, whose home for now remains at coding site Github, would be "mined" instead by contributing to massive computing projects like Stanford's disease-cure software or SETI, the project to search for extraterrestrial life. Or, as its name suggests, tracking down long chains of prime numbers.

» Read the full article at Business Insider

Cryptocurrencies Could Crunch Meaningful Code Instead Of Burning Electricity

No one really knows what to do with Bitcoins yet, and even as investors begin to address the market, different government bodies are trying to seize or regulate the world's geekiest currency. But one thing that's easily overlooked is the actual process of mining a's purposefully a compute-intensive task that usually works best when you're running the mining code on a high-end PC merrily burning the energy surging through the electricity supply.

» Read the full article at Fastco Labs

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Primecoin: The Cryptocurrency Whose Mining is Actually Useful

One of the disadvantages of Bitcoin that its proponents often gloss over is the fact that its mining algorithm has little real-world value ... Primecoin is the first proof-of-work based cryptocurrency that has come up with any kind of workable solution. The central premise of Primecoin is that, instead of useless SHA256 hashes, the proof of work protocol would require miners to find long chains of prime numbers.
» Read the full article at Bitcoin Magazine